Saturday, February 20, 2010

fox cub

after painting the old sea turtle i decided to paint a young fox. something cute for a change.
usually after penciling a drawing i start blocking in the black paint but in this painting i had to put in so many black blocks that i decided to skip all of it and start with the main subject. painting the fox was a breeze, it was so cute i had fun painting it.


next is the hard part, this was the first time i've tried to paint logs much less ones with grainy texture. experimenting with what color palette to use and in what order to apply it to the canvas was very tricky to figure out.




i think i did alright. while painting i usually view my work 5-6 feet away. this way i can see the grainy textures better. i put in the reddish twigs last because there just wasn't enough space on my glass palette with all the gray shades for the log.


done.. ^_^v


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