oil on 18" x 24" canvas panel. i find it interesting that i feel as if i've finished this painting in a remarkably short time. as i check my working time table records it seems that in the time i spent painting there was nothing out of the ordinary in the way i've paced myself compared to my other paintings. i guess this time i had a higher concentration level and i think i over estimated the time needed to overcome the possible painting obstacles i've forseen.
in my haste to start the painting i've forgotten to take a pcture when it was still in pencil so here is the next best thing... in burnt umber blockings.
i did my color test on the face first then on to the rest of the body. the palette colors i used are similar to the bunnies on my bunny burrow painting. i was aiming for a reddish brown fur instead of the usual ocher-tan.
next i worked on the grass starting from the upper right first going left. i've mixed some yellows and blues into the grass pigment for variety.
here the grass is almost done. only a twig and bits of earth to paint on the lower left part.
finished ^_^ i haven't used any black for this painting i'm still thinking on how dark i want my darkest hue on the painting to be. since i've only finished this painting a while ago i'll be thinking this over in a day or two. i'll be updating is entry with a picture if i do.