Friday, September 30, 2011

bear necessities

when the urge to draw / paint / create won't go away for months is the most wonderful feeling. i don't know if other artists feel this way but i just can't stand not drawing during these times. the only difficulty is having to ration the urge so that the "juice" wont run out during the last stages of the painting process. this inpired feeling really gives me the drive and patience i need to sit down for hours and paint.

finding the right art materials is half of the fun too when creating art. sometimes new art materials can be an inspiration to create. for this and every painting that i've done so far i usually use five to six pieces of # 3/0 synthetic brush, # 0 & # 2 flat synthetic brushes, flat hog bristle craft brushes and other objects that can bring out the effect i'm looking for in a painting like the hard bristle toothbrush or assorted sponges.

Picture 058

aside from this, i have my glass palette which i kept mentioning in my previous blog posts. in the following picture you can see how i mixed my color for the bear painting. i dont really have a system in placing my mixed oil paint on the pallette unlike some artists i've seen who place their oils in a rainbow like line. i usually clean my glass pallete a few weeks after a painting just incase i need a color chart to retouch parts of the painting. i also have my beloved pallette knife which fits my hand perfectly and has the right size in scoop length to mix my paint.

Picture 059

painting in my usual method, i've decided to skip over the parts where i show pictures on how i painted the sky, salmon and brown bear. the picture below shows how i work in sections on the bear fur. i paced myself setting a four by eight inch canvas space to paint quota per day. you can also see the brown towel i use to rest my arm while painting.


the most difficult part to paint was the water at first i thought i wouldn't be able to depict an accurate painting of the dripping, splashes and rippling of water but i'm glad to have pulled it off.

Picture 046

Picture 061

the final touches were of the water reflections which was a bit like my mama mallard painting. after one and a half months its finally complete ^_^v
